Aug 28, 2014 | Leadership, Motivation, Personal Development, Self Leadership
Comfort On Wikipedia, comfort is defined as a sense of physical or psychological ease and a lack of hardship while uncomfortable are people lacking in comfort. I disagree! I am hung up in the word “lacking”. I think people who are comfortable are lacking. Let me...
Aug 21, 2014 | Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Personal Development, Self Leadership, Workplace Culture
Purpose: Why am I here? What is my purpose? What am I supposed to be doing? These are ageless questions. Some people don’t believe there is a purpose and that doesn’t mean they won’t find their purpose, it only means it will take a little longer for them. To learn...
Aug 14, 2014 | Leadership, Mindset, Workplace Culture
If you’ve been a cubicle-dweller any length of time, chances are you’ve experienced an office culture that stinks: Unhappy workers, cheerless managers, and a generally dismal vibe. And what is toxic for the office is toxic for you if you work in the environment. Kevin...
Aug 7, 2014 | Motivation, Personal Development, Self Leadership, Time Management
This is one of those topics that I could write about all day every day. Goal setting, goal achieving, goals goals goals! We all have goals. Each and every one of us. Some of us think we gave up a long time ago and don’t have any but we do. Every day we wake up with...