Sep 26, 2013 | Leadership, Motivation, Personal Development, Self Leadership, Uncategorized
Ask anyone you meet if they have ever been hurt by another. You will hear a resounding YES! Now ask how they handled the hurt and you will hear many different stories about resentment, revenge, internalizing, depression, anger, and sadness but few stories about...
Sep 17, 2013 | Leadership, Motivation, Personal Development, Self Leadership
Malcolm Gladwell stated that to become an expert, you need to have 10,000 of hours invested. Those 10,000 hours are repeated acts of practicing a craft. Thomas Edison tried 2,000 times before he perfected the filament in an incandescent bulb. Failed attempts at...
Sep 10, 2013 | Motivation, Personal Development, Self Leadership
Perfection is defined as a state of completeness and flawlessness. Have you ever experienced perfection? Does it exist? Is it egotistical to think that we can achieve perfection? Is perfection a perceived concept and does it mean something different to others? ...
Sep 3, 2013 | Personal Development, Self Leadership, Uncategorized
Depending on when you were born, technology could be your friend, your enemy or just an acquaintance. Years ago, when computer screens weren’t the size of the average smartphone and one had to have an advanced degree to figure out how to turn 0′s and 1′s into actual...